A blue dracthyr on a beach looking in surprise at their now puffy inflatable hand as they're suddenly hollow and inflatable!

[COM-ST-2023] Well that’s unexpected

It’s one thing to be in a world you’re not familiar with but then also suddenly you’re shiny and hollow? Well I’m sure this dracthyr will get used to it, on the upside you’re waterproof now!

Commission for Veladynee of their dracthyr (they/them) suddenly now an inflatable toy and taking that in!

Also on…
Fur Affinity Icon Weasyl Icon So Furry Icon Furry Network Icon Itaku Icon Bluesky Icon

Marcus Icon

I wanted an autumnal icon for well, autumn, and apparently Marcus hasn’t actually been rendered properly since 2021????????????????????????????

So tanuki time 🙂

He was on the character wheel piece but it was under the limited 11 colour palette (or whatever low number it was limited to) so this is more the accurate colours :B

Also on…
Fur Affinity Icon Weasyl Icon So Furry Icon Furry Network Icon Itaku Icon Bluesky Icon

東方獣王園 ~ Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost

Steam Page (Touhou Wiki)

It fun! Wow! I did a big review over on Steam though if people want to see what my thoughts are in a review setting (it’s also below the OST download). I know I could put that here but I don’t want to work out how to do spoiler text on my site B)

I’m mostly just posting this so I can link the BGM extractions I did (MP3 | OGG)!

So yeah, my thoughts: Game fun! Wow!

Genuine summary: The game has it’s flaws but for a Vs Danmaku game (The 3rd official one) it is genuinely enjoyable and dare I say it “fun”. Though if you really, really, really like Phantasmagoria of Flower View, then give the demo a shot ‘cus you don’t like the demo you might not enjoy the full game

There’s spoilers hidden away here, even on returning chars, so people can be surprised if they’re trying to be spoiler free (somehow, after 48 hours)

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Art of a colour wheel where each colour has had a character of DarkOverord's chosen. Red is a red dragon toy, DarkOverord. Orange is a tanuki, Marcus. Yellow is a fox-bat-rock elemental hybrid, JOS. Green is a green hedgehog, Malrak. Cyan is a blue dragon, Lucernaz Occassus Blue is a blue bat, Ferris. Purple is a four armed tall tenric, Adjuro Simul. Pink is a white kitsune, Annai.

Character Wheel

I’m sure most people who have a holiday don’t immediately make a warm up project that is A Lot but I did!

Art of a colour wheel where each colour has had a character of DarkOverord's chosen. Red is a red dragon toy, DarkOverord. Orange is a tanuki, Marcus. Yellow is a fox-bat-rock elemental hybrid, JOS. Green is a green hedgehog, Malrak. Cyan is a blue dragon, Lucernaz Occassus Blue is a blue bat, Ferris. Purple is a four armed tall tenric, Adjuro Simul. Pink is a white kitsune, Annai. Art of a colour wheel where each colour has had a character of DarkOverord's chosen. Red is a red dragon toy, DarkOverord. Orange is a tanuki, Marcus. Yellow is a fox-bat-rock elemental hybrid, JOS. Green is a green hedgehog, Malrak. Cyan is a blue dragon, Lucernaz Occassus Blue is a blue bat, Ferris. Purple is a four armed tall tenric, Adjuro Simul. Pink is a white kitsune, Annai.

You’ll have likely seen the colour wheel meme going around on social media where people ask for characters to match the character on the wheel but I didn’t want that pressure so just did my own characters… And then I wanted to animate it in a little GIF form so you can easily see the upside down characters…

Before realising that’s 8 characters you have to draw DO you silly thing. Because I was aiming to go with the animation that did mean that I was therefore deliberately going to limit myself to make this easier to do… And THEN I decided to make them approximately the correct height relatively. I am a fool.

This post is about to get LONG so be warned 🙂

Continue reading “Character Wheel”

A photo of Brok the Badger (Confuzzled's mascot) fursuit, holding two glasses to their eyes

Confuzzled 2023

A photo of Brok the Badger (Confuzzled's mascot) fursuit, holding two glasses to their eyes

tl;dr: It was a fantastic time and I loved it (though not without a little minor feedback) but I should’ve tried to actually get in touch with more peeps, but c’est la vie.

After THE EVENT and missing last year’s WE’RE BACK IN BIRMINGHAM (well, were back in Birmingham, I’m in Greater Manchester again now). God I’ve missed this con and while I got little sleep (‘cus my body every night was just “???????SLEEP????????”) I genuinely somehow had the social energy to actually stick around people and aaaaaa

Continue reading “Confuzzled 2023”