Steam banner art for PictoQuest: The Cursed Grids

PictoQuest: The Cursed Grids

Logo for PictoQuest: The Cursed Grids
Steam Page

I picked up PictoQuest a while ago, I forget the specific reason but I think it was on a ProtonJon stream? Eitherway I picked it up in 2020 and then unceremoniously dropped it and I’m not sure if it was because I got bored, got frustrated or because something else grabbed my attention later.

It’s not a bad game though, it’s exactly what it claims to be, a nonogram puzzle game (or Picross if that’s the name you recognise more but that’s a licenced name for video games as it’s owned by Nintendo) with the twist of adding a vaguely RPG mechanic to it with “Monster Grids”, where enemies attack you as you solve the puzzle on a timer (or if you make mistakes) but you can slow down the attacks and ultimately defeat the enemies by clearing lines until you complete the puzzle. There’s also items you can buy via gold you earn for beating the Monster Grids as well as the grids with treasure chests etc.

My issue with PictoQuest is that I guess I’m slower than the devs intended and I always felt like I was being rushed along on the larger puzzles. I did it mind, I 100% cleared the world map! But it did leave a bit of a bad taste to me lol. Not the fault of the game though, PictoQuest is doing exactly what it set out to be in the end!

It’s worth it if you like Nonograms but if you like doing them at a leisurely pace, it might not be for you.