Agender Pride Flag

Gender, or a lack of it

So the 11th of October was apparently “Coming out day” and a few friends went “hey, they” basically and I remembered to update my profile on Twitter so it’s a good day to. But I did technically come out about my gender at the start of pride month.

Agender Pride Flag
it’s this (agender)

But the thing about that is well. Thoughts change but also a lot of self doubt, especially as I started feeling that I was faking it etc.

I’m pretty masculine, I won’t lie. Quite “man” like and I never really thought to, do anything about it, but I never felt attached to it  as “my identity”. I never “felt” transgender and neither did “woman” or “non-binary” ring out to me. Eventually I got talking to someone who basically phrased it as “male by default” and I was like “holy shit yes?”

So with some reinforcement behind me I kind of stumbled randomly on to agender, it felt right, it makes my brain happy.

“But… what if I was faking it for brain chemicals???” I kept thinking, especially as when I came out in June I effectively went “∅ he/they” is good :)”, the easiest “out” for all of this, even though I really never felt like that was correct but it’s easy for a masculine person and go like that. Constantly doubting that the genuine euphoria I felt back in February when I stumbled my way in to understanding.

So in safe places I did add in “it” to “∅ he/they”, eventually “∅ he/they/it” I swapped it round “∅ it/they/he”, and privately or in new places I put what made me happy…

Seeing my friends explore their identity over the past few months, and especially today made me realise “no wait I can do this”. I’ve been pushing off “he” for a while, so much so that I dropped it entirely in places I was “safe”. So I finally did it, I told everyone “it/they” on twitter and holy hell that felt good. I’d change it entirely but on Twitter I figure for the best I might have to leave “they” but almost everywhere else? No.

I’m DarkOverord, I’m an agender furry and my pronouns are it/its. They is acceptable, he is okay, but I’m an it, and that makes me happy.

Also know that I’m still getting used to that and if you call me “it” I will just melt in to a puddle for you.

I rambled here but I needed to make it in to words lol

2018 – 365 Sorted

All done now! All 2018 posts from my 365 blog should be both successfully ported over but also neatened and numbers corrected, hopefully :B

I’m not making a master post like previous years but will link the month images here. That link will have 2015 and 2016 once I’ve got round to them but for now it’s only 2018.

Also, below is each month in chronological order:

Tumbls imported

So the tumblrs are imported and I’m trying to change some stuff. The importer has a weird way of handling single image posts where it’ll try to make the image in a WP gallery (which is useless) instead of just posting the image by itself in the post.

Fixing up the 365 posts is going to be my priority (no matter how much I like my AC:NL blog ;P) and could take some significant time but it’s at least some preservation lol.

May Update

So what’s been going on? Why is the site so quiet? Why are you asking rhetorical questions, DO? Well hopefully we’ll answer them in this post.

So I’ve been pretty quiet over the past few months as there’s been a lot of things going on in my life honestly! In art news, I’ve been chugging along with Art-a-Day as well as updating my online presence! You’ll now find new links to various places on my links page such as dusting off my deviantART and setting up dedicated art social accounts.

On top of that it’s con time for me, heading off to Confuzzled! If you’re going to be about, keep an eye out for me or my business cards! I’ll be easily spotted as the tall guy with this around his next, or handing out these cards.

Second update, the plants are doing well and I’m trying to do more. Hopefully they’ll grow well while I’m away over Confuzzled weekend!

Final update is a big one: I recently made the choice to quit my job. This was a big choice, as obviously not everyone can just crash out of standard employment and I have a rare opportunity to at least sit back and refocus where and what I want to do. Be it here and focus on art full time, or finding a new job elsewhere. What I will say though, is if your job is making you feel suicidal then GET OUT. No matter what the situation you’re in, discuss it with your partners, parents, whatever and get yourself out. Either by a new job or taking a break for some time. No job is worth it even if you enjoyed it if it is killing you.

We’ll see how things go but after Confuzzled, expect me to clear out my remaining queue that was delayed by being in full time employment and opening slots. I’ll post about them everywhere as usual so keep an eye out!


So I’ve been busy for the past month or so with work and art and the like, but also plants! I’ve been gradually gathering various plants because apparently that’s something I do now too. Most of them are succulents, which are rad, in fact here they are from when I pulled them back in to the main room when it was very snow-y at late February.

So I figured I’d give propagating some a try! The red and green pals on the bottom shelf were pretty leafy so I thought I’d have a go at propagating them. I was a little worried about harming them as the way to do it is by pulling their leaves off! Though the other two ways actually involve taking enough leaves off to cut the stem, plant the stem after it dries out and planting that, while leaving the stump to regrow.

Continue reading “Plants!”

Been quiet…

I’ve been busy fixing up the gallery section of the site! It was a learning experience, but again thanks to Cyrin for all his help with getting this set up.

The gallery section is something I’d wanted here for a long time, however I didn’t want it for a landing site so kinda put it off until I finally got this section up and running.

What does this mean? It means that you’ll have my main wordpress site that will function as the landing page, as well as a personal, blog, place that isn’t me spouting rubbish on twitter and the gallery section to put up art I’ve got and perhaps even key pics I’m proud of! It will also have character profiles, like here, read up about Annai for example! All in all the site is coming along nicely \o/