


Annai Suru is certainly not the type of guide you want to lead you through a darkened forest but it’s the only way to the culprit!

So That Kitsune Dude is called 案内する, or in Romanji Annai Suru. So I was trying to find a good way to name him because “How do names????”, but I was basically hitting a road block because he’s the type of supernatural being that could be bent to being a familar and such magic is always strongest if you know their name! As a a result a few places just basically used the same names or just essentially titles “Messenger”, “Monk” etc. So I went with what he does, guide people through a forest. Whether his intents are true however and it’s more similar to inviting people to their doom, who knows?

Course this clearly isn’t his real name, it’s a verb not a noun! (Though 案内/Annai is the noun form of “Guide”)

I dunno. Will I stick with this? WHO KNOWS.