DarkOverord (Rubber)

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Species: Rubber Dragon
Gender: Agender (Its/It) Sexuality: Mostly shiny things, grey ace, masc preference
 Agender Pride Flag  Grey-asexuality Pride Flag  Gay Men Pride Flag

This is DarkOverord but rubber, and significantly less grumpy. There’s no specific design difference between the two characters other than the purple eyes and permanent cuffs and collar.

In addition to being solid rubber, it can be a rubber goo with a mixture of viscosity, but is always liquid never solid bar the gem on its chest. Its gem when separated from its body will just ooze new matter to make up its body while its old one will dissolve away. It can freely alter its form but they’ll always be very goopy, even if it imitated Marcus for example with his incredibly fluffy tail. It can merge and possess other creatures however.


It showed up in 2015. I wanted to be goo basically. Last year when if I finished up the DarkOverord 2023 reference I made the decision to

NSFW Okay?
Yup yup! While listed as Areoace, it’s more a fact that it doesn’t feel sexual or romantic attraction, it instead gets its gratification out of kink based things, which can veer in to sexual acts, but that’s not specifically what it is there for.

No NSFW Ref | Goopily Dominant.

Good kinks for NSFW work: Goo, rubber, hypnosis (either role), transformation, absorbsion (in to itself)

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(NSFW 18+ Reference)

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Featured Art


A fearsome beast! by CrimJims Gummi DO by Pi
Goop Gators Gotta Goop by Jac Fox Melty DO