
A red hedgehog, Simon, their shoes on leaning and dressed in just an open shirt and boxers leaning against a balcony wall while looking up in to the sky as fireworks go off. They're illuminated by a light source from the building their balcony is on.

Welcoming the New Year

A red hedgehog, Simon, in just an open shirt and boxers leaning against a balcony wall while looking up in to the sky as fireworks go off. They're illuminated by a light source from the building their balcony is on. πŸ”ž NSFW alts under the cut πŸ”ž

I want to thank you so much for all your support this year and I hope we all collectively kick 2023’s butt to endure it isn’t 2022 again.

Also this is the first pic with the 23 mark! I only started putting a year on my art midway this year so that’s nice of me 18 years later to keep track of years :B

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A blue and orange bat, Ferris, hanging upside down from a branch with the moon large behind them, also tinted orange. They're looking hungrily at the viewer. They are being illuminated by a torch held by the viewer

Hanging Bat

A blue and orange bat, Ferris, hanging upside down from a branch with the moon large behind them, also tinted orange. They're looking hungrily at the viewer. They are being illuminated by a torch held by the viewer πŸ”ž NSFW image under the cut πŸ”ž

I’m a tad late for Halloween but that’s okay ‘cus I only got this idea on the 28th of October

I’d have liked to get this out sooner but as it was a personal project I was prioritising commissions/having to scream at new sites ‘cus Twitter might suddenly fuck itself completely at any moment

So here’s Ferris, hanging off an unusually sturdy tree-branch in the night, and you’ve managed to spot them with a torch, lucky you!

Maybe >:3c

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Agender Pride Flag

Gender, or a lack of it

So the 11th of October was apparently “Coming out day” and a few friends went “hey, they” basically and I remembered to update my profile on Twitter so it’s a good day to. But I did technically come out about my gender at the start of pride month.

Agender Pride Flag
it’s this (agender)

But the thing about that is well. Thoughts change but also a lot of self doubt, especially as I started feeling that I was faking it etc.

I’m pretty masculine, I won’t lie. Quite “man” like and I never really thought to, do anything about it, but I never felt attached to itΒ  as “my identity”. I never “felt” transgender and neither did “woman” or “non-binary” ring out to me. Eventually I got talking to someone who basically phrased it as “male by default” and I was like “holy shit yes?”

So with some reinforcement behind me I kind of stumbled randomly on to agender, it felt right, it makes my brain happy.

“But… what if I was faking it for brain chemicals???” I kept thinking, especially as when I came out in June I effectively went “βˆ… he/they” is good :)”, the easiest “out” for all of this, even though I really never felt like that was correct but it’s easy for a masculine person and go like that. Constantly doubting that the genuine euphoria I felt back in February when I stumbled my way in to understanding.

So in safe places I did add in “it” to “βˆ… he/they”, eventually “βˆ… he/they/it” I swapped it round “βˆ… it/they/he”, and privately or in new places I put what made me happy…

Seeing my friends explore their identity over the past few months, and especially today made me realise “no wait I can do this”. I’ve been pushing off “he” for a while, so much so that I dropped it entirely in places I was “safe”. So I finally did it, I told everyone “it/they” on twitter and holy hell that felt good. I’d change it entirely but on Twitter I figure for the best I might have to leave “they” but almost everywhere else? No.

I’m DarkOverord, I’m an agender furry and my pronouns are it/its. They is acceptable, he is okay, but I’m an it, and that makes me happy.

Also know that I’m still getting used to that and if you call me “it” I will just melt in to a puddle for you.

I rambled here but I needed to make it in to words lol

A character reference sheet for Rigel, a blue eastern dragon pooltoy

Rigel v2.0 Reference

πŸ”ž NSFW ref under the cut πŸ”ž

This has been a project on the back-burner since 2021 and I figured between Nik’s commission and the next I’d take the short palette cleanser to make the new reference

Deliberate use of “v2.0” here, he’s artificial so I wanted to give the implication that he’s just made himself a new body πŸ˜›

To be fair with Rigel he’s probably somehow still operating his old body too.

Main changes since the original adoptable ref:

  • Rigel had decided he needed to be almost three feet taller, though being an inflatable that size isn’t exactly fixed in the first place
  • Whiskers: Longer
  • Mane: Bigger
  • Tail: More
  • Handles: Now on legs too
  • Webbies: Feet have them as well as his hands now

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Panel 1: A red koopa-hedgehog hybrid in a haunched over but aggressive stance exclaiming "Now I'M the tall one" Panel 2: It's shown to be a daydream as Simon, a red hedgehog, is asked "What are you thinking about?" to which they respond "Oh you know, being big" Panel 3: "How big?" to which they reply "200cm!" excitedly

Bowser Day 2022

Panel 1: A red koopa-hedgehog hybrid in a haunched over but aggressive stance exclaiming "Now I'M the tall one" Panel 2: It's shown to be a daydream as Simon, a red hedgehog, is asked "What are you thinking about?" to which they respond "Oh you know, being big" Panel 3: "How big?" to which they reply "200cm!" excitedly πŸ”ž NSFW alt under the cut πŸ”ž

So while a heatwave was going on (haha first 40C day in the UK while we have no way to deal with that…) I was working on a Bowser Day pic

Combine: Koopa + Hedgehog. Specifically I more went off Giga Bowser’s form (long tail, chonky legs)

And then I made it silly

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