I’ll be openly honest, my expectations before release was reserved but potentially excited. I’ll openly admit it, I like Shadow, especially between 2001 and 2007 where he actually had a character and development, even if technically it was meant to end at 2001 as a one off appearance. His appearances after 06 often ended up with his character becoming flanderized as “Only grumpy, basically exists to butt heads with Sonic”. Are these traits Shadow doesn’t or shouldn’t have? No. Are they his only traits? Also no. He’d get trace elements of his other personality traits here and there but otherwise, bleh.
So a game that was actually going to be both based on the Frontiers engine and potentially treat Shadow like a character again? Yeah I was ready for that. And then they released the Dark Beginnings prologue animation and oops I was fully on board.
ANYWAY I am meant to be talking about a game not me complaining about my second favourite Sonic character losing all character development for a while (my first favourite is Tails, who also lost a lot of his character progress for a while… sigh).
Game’s good! I don’t like that they kind of shoehorned for half the game to be 2D like Sonic Generations but ho-hum. The inclusion of Sonic Forces and Frontiers was weird but I also think it would’ve been weird for them not to include them, though unlike some I do like the in lore reason which I won’t go in to because it’s more spoilers than I’d like to discuss here.
I do find it odd that Shadow’s titular game didn’t properly get representation, I can argue the first level “Space Colony ARK” is the level and I can even recognise elements from ShTH’s ARK levels in there, but ShadGens AND ShTH in the end for that level is pulling heavily from Sonic Adventure 2, which arguably does have a definitive level in ShadGens.
This is kind of a carry over problem from Shadow the Hedgehog (2005 game), Westopolis (and subiquently all city stages) pull heavily from SA2’s city stages. ShTH’s ARK stages can’t do anything but pull from SA2 for design. ShTH’s Eggman levels either pull from Sonic Heroes stages Casino Park, Cryptic Castle or Rail Canyon. GUN stages come in two varieties, SA2 GUN levels but slightly prettier or SA2 GUN levels but if you shoved Green Forest in to it (this includes Death Ruins).
That leaves ShTH stages over to Black Arms themed levels which was unlikely given the theming of Everything Else is kind of Black Arms-y. Ruins stages which kind of pull a little from Lost World/Echidna ruins from SA1, and… brown. Sky Troops was an improvement as it was in THE SKY but it was also technically Air Fleet from Sonic Heroes except you don’t get on Eggman’s ships, you just hop ruin to ruin and potentially shoot his ships down instead. Then finally Digital levels which are neat but thematically don’t really work with the rest of ShadGens IMO, but are potentially genuinely the most unique levels ShTH has to offer.
But like in Sonic Generations where the more iconic stages were picked (I love Final Egg but why would you make it a stage over Speed Highway or Emerald Coast for example?) you have to pick the thematic ones from ShTH… so the ARK.
Okay I need to stop I’m getting in the weeds again.
The Doom Powers were a neat thing to add but I also felt they were under utilised… however I also haven’t played half the game, yes I beat it and yes this is spoilers I guess but there’s more to ShadGens after you beat the final boss.
HOWEVER regardless of if I felt the abilities are under-utilised or not, Shadow doesn’t just play like Sonic as he did in SA2. They tweaked the move-set enough to give his own gameplay it’s own identity and it feels extremely good????
Like SEGA, I know you’re not gonna capture lightning in a bottle a third time but seriously consider using this engine for Sonic and, dare I say it, Shadow. Give Shadow another game. Between Frontiers, Frontiers: Final Horizon and Shadow Generations you’ve clearly got a solid engine here. Explore it’s potential more with this new 3D style of gameplay for Sonic, don’t reign it back now.
Speaking of reigning it back in though… including the Sonic Generations port as well, not included for my EoY rating as it’s a port of a game I beat in 2011, but it was a game I beat this year too so… I think they made SonGens worse??? Like between going back between Hedgehog 1 and Hedgehog 2 (Frontiers) you can feel it, but also the drop dash addition made the controls more finicky and I think just overall it doesn’t play as well as I remember it doing so.
Which is extremely weird because I originally got Sonic Generations to near 100% on keyboard only, finally borrowing a controller because drifting was one too many keys pressed at once for my keyboard at the time.
I recall at the time some people murmuring about it but I was like “No I think this feels how I remember it” but going back and finishing off the game a couple days ago I started feeling more and more “no… it does feel off”. Like yes, I’m out of practice but it felt a lot more unresponsive to inputs, especially modern Sonic.
It’s a pity, I’m sure people who never played the original won’t notice, but, IDK. Given SxSGens pulled down the original listing of Sonic Generations (booooo hiss booo) it’s a bit shitty. Well, maybe that’s just me.