Quick Pre-CFz Game Clear Round-Up

So in-between Confuzzled badge coms I was doing quick game clears. I.e. games I could just put a short amount of time in to with each session, ‘cus that way I didn’t go completely nose to the grindstone when doing the comms!

Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart

Title Screen for Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart, featuring a chequered flag background with the logo above it
SRB2 Wiki

Like I’ve known people were playing this forever ago, but with the release of Dr. Robotnik’s Ring Racers I figured I’d finally give it a try, and I found out all the tracks give medals for doing decently against ghost data so suddenly this became a game with a clearable state beyond just doing time trials. Not played online though but I’d be trounced.

I did after this give DrRRR a try but it’s just so many buttons my head did not like it, maybe I’ll come back to it later but for now I’m good.

Vampire Survivors: Operation Guns

Logo and key art for Vampire Survivors: Operation Guns featuring from left to right: Lance Bean (from Contra), Zi'Assunta Belpaese (from Vampire Survivors) and Bill Rizer (from Contra)
Steam Page

Ha ha, contra go brrrrrrrrr 🙂 Of course we all know the real reason to get this DLC

A screenshot of the announcement trailer of Vampire Survivors: Operation Guns, featuring the silhouette of Brad Fang in front of a full moon.

A screenshot of the announcement trailer of Vampire Survivors: Operation Guns, featuring Brad Fang pointing his gun arm somewhat towards the viewer with his tongue out like a dog when they're hanging their head out of a car.
