Yearly post time, and it’s gonna get deep honestly.
Previous years: 2018 | 2019
Decade Overview: 2010 – 2019
Gonna put further thoughts and things underneath the links etc. ‘cus honestly, 2020 has been a one and I don’t want to bog things down TOO early. That said apparently this was Annai’s year, being the pick of 4 months!
So 2020 huh? Very much not a 2020 vision year that’s for sure! All of the images I chose for the art summary I genuinely liked and I don’t feel I have regressed in my ability over the year.
However to say it’s not been a good year is not just an understatement for the world (hey there global pandemic) but certainly for me. I can’t remember if I mentioned it previously but I suffered effectively the most intense burnout I ever did in late 2019 and I’ll be honest, I still don’t feel I’ve recovered from it either.
This is the first year in a while I’ve not officially opened for commissions, I did some sure but they were effectively taken privately but I still have some outstanding, and that’s sitting on my mental health even though I’ve not taken payment. (And then there’s Patreon stuff that absolutely *is* outstanding and aaaaaaaaaa).
At the tail end of the year I finally felt like I swung back in to a groove and was going to do some focus in December in clearing out my owed work and try and start 2021 afresh (or at least in a position where I felt I could at least open for commissions again aaaaaaaaaaaa) and then the pandemic decided to hit my family pretty significantly so to say I’m not doing fantastic is an understatement!
That all said, I am going to be pushing in January to be back at a point where I’m comfortable as having these art matters outstanding is playing hell on my Mental Health and I need to sort that, and the only way to sort that is to get planned out and hopefully without any more close deaths please!
Hopefully this time next year at least for my art it’ll be positive, but I’m hoping pandemic wise it will be too obviously because god I want to see people again.