I, don’t, know? It just started with DO‘s face. Then DO all fists on his hips, then suddenly I brought out the trench-coat I’ve not used on him for years and then suddenly wings and then suddenly the floor with raindrops, then the weird attempt at a daytime rift behind him and then suddenly a star??? ???????????????????
I dunno I was listening to Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream arranges oh boy did I tell you how much I love that track?
Draconic Magic Team ~ Fire and Ice unite, can a triple point truly be reached between the duo?
Familiar: Idle Spell Circle Special Skill: Can warp the sides of the field, shots included. (Only active when near the field edges)
Only one of the “teams” left! Feoh and ???. I haven’t decided that, but it would need to be a familiar user though to keep the balance up. (Currently we have S/S, F/S and F/F teams. Feoh would be a skill user)
I decided to draw That Kitsune Guy in some kind of reference to something from Touhou Soccer or something. But then his proportions got all weird and ??????
I still don’t know what to call him in the end. I mean given his supernatural nature and how often (unlike tanukis) kitsune’s seem to become supernatural familiars of some kind in Japanese lore, I should probably go for something that isn’t his actual name. :V