Panel 1: A red koopa-hedgehog hybrid in a haunched over but aggressive stance exclaiming "Now I'M the tall one" Panel 2: It's shown to be a daydream as Simon, a red hedgehog, is asked "What are you thinking about?" to which they respond "Oh you know, being big" Panel 3: "How big?" to which they reply "200cm!" excitedly

Bowser Day 2022

Panel 1: A red koopa-hedgehog hybrid in a haunched over but aggressive stance exclaiming "Now I'M the tall one" Panel 2: It's shown to be a daydream as Simon, a red hedgehog, is asked "What are you thinking about?" to which they respond "Oh you know, being big" Panel 3: "How big?" to which they reply "200cm!" excitedly πŸ”ž NSFW alt under the cut πŸ”ž

So while a heatwave was going on (haha first 40C day in the UK while we have no way to deal with that…) I was working on a Bowser Day pic

Combine: Koopa + Hedgehog. Specifically I more went off Giga Bowser’s form (long tail, chonky legs)

And then I made it silly

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HypNovember ’21 – 29 – Duel

Following this prompt list (by Blunder)
πŸ”ž NSFW image under the cut πŸ”ž

Terrance is actually a pretty sloppy dom, doesn’t really think twice, more interested in the end product (literally that’s what he considers the subject afterwards) than the hows and whys.

Marcus likes to keep him on his toes the times when Terrance is getting too confident.

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