

This wasn’t meant to be more than a sketch whoops. Goo DOninja time apparently.

Lower resolution than normal because I don’t think anyone would’ve appreciated the normal resolution I post these at, AND be transparent.

Really I should’ve been posting these at 33% from the start seen as that’s what I work at but here we are… I don’t really want to suddenly change the posting size 296 days into this haha.




Beating even the Occassus Dragons, Ferris feeling pretty full of himself decides to head back to his cave, “Perhaps I need to step up from testing these on people!”. Outside he sees an odd sight, one of the few people he hadn’t encountered throughout all this, JOS.

“You’re not the only one to “find” relics, bat. I’ve watched how you’ve been attacking people, going in once and then running away. Well I’ve found this handy relic that will bind you to a full duel unless you give up those items!”

And so, Ferris’ reign of terror ends, using up as most of the relic’s power attempting to overcome the magician. He gives up and flees.

Equiped Relic: Fleeing as fast as you can from the crazy magician

Well that was a fun little mini-series.




Running out of targetstest subjects, Ferris takes on The Order of the Rift themselves, running across Feoh Sigel and Marcus Fukuyama. Eventually the pair team up, much to Feoh’s chagrin. “So they’re cheating now huh? Well good job I can use two of these relics at once!”

Equiped Relic: Active Research Notes Wow these sheets actually take the danmaku and put them into a picture! And write notes!
Sub Relic: Imperfect Philosopher’s Stone The ultimate alchemy… just out of reach.

Getting to the end now, wonder who’s left for Ferris to pester? :O




Taking heed in Annai’s previous warnings, after a few more targets, Ferris decides to use the remaining relics he had. One being just a road sign, unsure on how else to use it, he throws it at the wizard trying to crush him with stars.

The sign worked very well much to the bat’s surprise. Destroying the bullets in his way as well as almost clouting the Aedus in the face. “Man now I see why that weird dragon likes throwing these around!”

Equipped Relic: No Entry Sign – … It’s just a road sign …

I may have cheated on the stars.




After scaring plenty of people and fae with his relics, he eventually comes across Annai. Figuring it would be funny to scare off his prey, he ends up on the bad side of the kitsune he’s usually good friends with. He pulls out one of the relics he was hoping not to use as it’s so loud! Eventually he overcomes the kitsune with a word of warning “You’ve been noticed with those relics, we’ve been told to go all out against you until you give them up!”

Equipped Relic: Pocket Supernova – The death of a star, but it feels more like firework instead

I’ve never actually put colours on Annai, huh.

2015-10-18 (B)



Uncovering relics in his cave, Ferris decided the world was a little too boring and needed to have “fun”! His first targets were the guardians of The Heart of Magic, Ignis and Fulgur, who underestimated to bat’s new-found “abilities” leading to getting themselves a little trounced. “Psh, such simple attacks! These relics are wasted on them, I should find bigger opponents!” he laughed as he flew off.

Equipped Relic: Cursed Gauntlets of the RiftmakerThey let you warp around! But don’t you feel as though you’re being watched?

I’m being silly don’t mind me.

You may have noticed I missed a day, that was because I was out most of yesterday and didn’t get chance to draw. So I’m doing two today :3c

2015-10-18 (A)