
Well that’s it all done! 2015’s all 365 posts in one image… which you can view here in order as well, though be aware that there’s NSFW posts: https://darkoverord.info/tag/art-a-day-2015/?order=asc

You can also view them month by month in order here:

Jan : Feb : Mar : Apr
May : Jun : Jul : Aug
Sep : Oct : Nov : Dec

So I think it’s only fair I post my thoughts and various details:

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Posted this to the art blog as it’s a better theme for reading long text posts than my 365 blog haha.

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364/365: POKEDDEXY DAY 30: Most Badass Pokémon

It took me quite a while to decide this but I guess Deoxys covers it.

Firstly: It’s confirmation of life in the pokémon universe outside of the protagonists’ planet (Though if you want to be pedantic, Clefairy was).

Secondly: It wasn’t even sentient or sapient at first, it was just a virus that mutated.

Thirdly: Viruses are microscopic, for it to mutate that much it has to have taken and mutated some kind of host which is kinda creepy in it’s own way as it would’ve had to have been partially organic as inorganic materials don’t have cells when it’s stated to alter it’s cellular structure. (Hell given the context of the gem in it’s chest being it’s brain, who knows, maybe it’s a mutant Staryu :B)

Fourthly: It can survive the extremes of space. Like what the hell Deoxys.

So while not a favourite Deoxys is probably the most badass haha.



363/365: POKEDDEXY DAY 29: Scariest Pokémon


To steal the life of its target, it slips into the prey’s shadow and silently waits for an opportunity.


It hides in shadows. It is said that if Gengar is hiding, it cools the area by nearly 10 degrees Fahrenheit.


Hiding in people’s shadows at night, it absorbs their heat. The chill it causes makes the victims shake.


It is said to emerge from darkness to steal the lives of those who become lost in mountains. 

Basically ghost pokémon will always be technically contenders for the “scariest” pokémon. But Gengar just takes the cake sometimes.
