

“Peer into this dark horizon, through these shadows hiding me.
Keep that blind up. Make your mind up: what you get is what you see.

Piece by piece, a puzzle forms, whose missing pieces won’t be missed.
Strictly, while they’re missing, you can say they don’t exist.

Close the door and then reopen, never knowing what you’ll find.
Till you seek it, purely secret: absolutely undefined.

So I found some person on YT who does English touhou songs and I kinda like this one :3c

As I’ve said before Ferris’ shapeshifting is waaaaaaaaay more limited than Marcus (supposedly perfect transformations) and Annai (Pretty spot on but struggles to hide his tails). While he can pretty much shift into anything, the end result is usually blue and orange like himself, though if he tries REALLY hard he can shift away the blue but that orange is always there.

So how best do you make use of such limited shifting abilities? Make use of darkness. Adjust your eyes, squint hard enough, and you may see the truth
