



13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Marcus is showing up again. WHAT A SURPRISE IT’S ALMOST LIKE HE’S A TRICKSTER OR SOMETHING. But also Annai the kitsune (shock) and Ferris (who is also a shapeshifter though not to the same degree as Marcus and Annai.

14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Darthanial does. Except it’s also retconned after the HEROEZ beat him up. So. Whoops. The Rift fucks up his universe, then DO stablises it in Darthanial’s universe retconning the ENTIRE EVENT. Though unlike other things which retcon themselves, no princesses were kissed.

15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
I do! I am however too shy =(

16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)
Ferris. Reasons: Blood.


Dammit this reblogged to the wrong blog again.