Richard Rickson

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AKA “Rocket”

Species: Hedgehog Age: 34
Gender: Male (He/Him/They) Sexuality: Pansexual
Pansexual Pride Flag  Gray-romantic Pride Flag

Richard is a red anthro hedgehog of a fairly toned build standing at approx. 5’6″ tall with black marks on the sides of his eyes. He has complete heterochromia iridum, with his left eye being blue and right being green. He has multiple piercings, mostly on his ears as well as dying some of his quills unlike his identical twin sibling.

Further Info
Richard is fairly easygoing overall though is prone to bouts of cockiness and being vain, this sometimes leads to him coming off as a dick but generally he means well.

This does tie in to his physical appearance, where he can spend hours (if not days it seems sometimes) dying his quills and keeping himself fairly groomed while also trying to keep on top of his physique. As a result this does mean he’s not exactly shy about showing it off, even at slightly inappropriate times, or even “accidental” nudity depending on the situation.

His fashion sense falls in to one of two categories: “Preferably none” or “Enough to not get arrested”, similar to his brother. Generally though he’ll just wear jeans and a t-shirt with whatever shoes he currently has lying around, typically sticks to short sleeves though for keeping those guns out.

Richard’s job is “yes”, generally bouncing around jobs with other stuff on the side, he does have the brains to actually push forward but generally doesn’t do more than enough to keep his single life kinda cushy.

Richard is pansexual with no preference in partners, preferring to stick to either one night flings or growing to be friends with benefits. He’s not strictly aromantic, he’s more than happy to play the romance game, but generally hasn’t got much interest in pursuing a relationship in that form.

The relationship between Simon and Richard these days is pretty relaxed, but growing up Richard typically always felt in the shadow of his twin and so pushed to be as little like his brother as possible. Unfortunately for Richard, while growing up and exploring their personalities they found they were pretty similar. Similar taste in music (but at least could argue over the better bands even if they both silently agreed with each other), similar taste in clothing and a (much to Richard’s dismay) similar taste in men.

All this meant that while growing up Richard pushed hard on exercising and an unhealthy repression of his sexuality during his teens, and just general unhealthy social attitudes in general. Simon eventually gave him the wimpiest punch Richard had ever experienced to snap him out of it a chunk of that after a pretty bad argument and that kicked some of those more negative aspects of himself and the twins got on a little better.

What really got Richard to reevaluate what the hell he’s doing was when he drunklenly managed to piss off Malrak, who is pretty patient, by crossing a line with his Simon. Of which immediately Malrak, despite protests from both twins, promptly punched and broke Richard’s nose. He’s now got a healthier relationship with alcohol (he still drinks but more socially instead of “Just to Drink”) AND his brother.

Character History
Richard isn’t as old a character as Simon, but being an identical twin meant he was also just a Red Sonic with Shadow’s base design, just with Shadow’s stripes as well. He’s never really had anything really defined about him as a character other than being cockier, but certainly in older appearances there was a lot more animosity between the brothers, Richard being the underachiever and therefore jealous of praise his brother got. Which carried through to being adults.

I scrapped that as tbh Simon’s not the kind to keep a negative relationship going, especially with such close family, and as an adult would’ve smoothed things out with his brother, even if “smoothed things out” was “not shoot daggers at each other”. Especially ‘cus, y’know, MAlrak broke his nose.

I’d also intended on Richard just being a dick in general but it never really sat right? So instead it more became was a dick, but still kind of abrasive. Amusingly he was also originally straight to keep the “opposite twins” thing going but I accidentally? made him pan and it stuck.

Richard’s original appearance back in 2005, god I liked textures huh?

Richard’s first “modern” reappearance from 2014. Note the lack of green stripes ‘cus for some reason I decided he didn’t do that anymore.

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(NSFW 18+ Reference)

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Twins are fine right? by Me (DarkOverord) Happy Pride 2019! by Me (DarkOverord)

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