DarkOverord (Raichu)

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Species: Rubber Goo Raichu, can appear fluffy but the black parts always have that rubber sheen
Gender: Agender (Its/It) Sexuality: Goo
 Agender Pride Flag  Aroace Pride Flag

Undefined size goo Raichu, usually the approximate size of DOninja normally (150cm) but can change that as it sees fit, see DarkOverord (goo) tbh.

NSFW Okay?
Yup yup! While listed as Areoace, it’s more a fact that it doesn’t feel sexual or romantic attraction, it instead gets its gratification out of kink based things, which can veer in to sexual acts, but that’s not specifically what it is there for.

No NSFW Ref | Goopily Dominant.

Good kinks for NSFW work: Goo, rubber, hypnosis (either role), transformation, absorbsion (in to itself)

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Eyecatching shine DOchu
Janchuary Goonna Get Chu
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