I’ve been a bit rough lately so I’ve been doing this thing on the side of commissions for the past few days to keep me sane haha.
I really like how it’s come out :3c
Typo, artist, somewhat fluffy
Posts about art, wow! Everything’s tagged in to the relevant years, if you only care about my art you can follow the RSS feed for my art!
I’ve been a bit rough lately so I’ve been doing this thing on the side of commissions for the past few days to keep me sane haha.
I really like how it’s come out :3c
🔞 NSFW image under the cut 🔞
So recently I’ve been playing around with an idea I’ve had for a long time of Annai as an extra boss in a shmup (For context: https://youtu.be/w0J_6QFpQJs?t=185 ).
First off, it should be noted that in the context of Touhou, what “stage” a character is on doesn’t indicate how powerful they are. So while Annai would “normally” be a early stage boss, nothing stops him from being an “extra” boss. An Extra boss is literally just that, an extra boss that is harder than the normal game (Not lunatic levels, just normal). Understand? Cool.
So the context behind this would be after some final boss attempting some magical ritual had been defeated, the hero(s/ines) are returning home and Annai harnesses that unused energy to briefly, be a four tailed kitsune and what comes with it, of which Annai has quite a few years to get to for that as he’s not *that* old yet.
Basically, I wanted EX-Annai to just look super flashy.
So what’s been going on? Why is the site so quiet? Why are you asking rhetorical questions, DO? Well hopefully we’ll answer them in this post.
So I’ve been pretty quiet over the past few months as there’s been a lot of things going on in my life honestly! In art news, I’ve been chugging along with Art-a-Day as well as updating my online presence! You’ll now find new links to various places on my links page such as dusting off my deviantART and setting up dedicated art social accounts.
On top of that it’s con time for me, heading off to Confuzzled! If you’re going to be about, keep an eye out for me or my business cards! I’ll be easily spotted as the tall guy with this around his next, or handing out these cards.
Second update, the plants are doing well and I’m trying to do more. Hopefully they’ll grow well while I’m away over Confuzzled weekend!
Final update is a big one: I recently made the choice to quit my job. This was a big choice, as obviously not everyone can just crash out of standard employment and I have a rare opportunity to at least sit back and refocus where and what I want to do. Be it here and focus on art full time, or finding a new job elsewhere. What I will say though, is if your job is making you feel suicidal then GET OUT. No matter what the situation you’re in, discuss it with your partners, parents, whatever and get yourself out. Either by a new job or taking a break for some time. No job is worth it even if you enjoyed it if it is killing you.
We’ll see how things go but after Confuzzled, expect me to clear out my remaining queue that was delayed by being in full time employment and opening slots. I’ll post about them everywhere as usual so keep an eye out!