Inked commission for Aira of a continuation of a piece I did during my art-a-day challenge in 2015 featuring my robot dragon, DK-0VD-D4M-C40000, assembling a robot suit around the blue fox:
Fun to revisit it in two regards, 1) DK-0VD is significantly taller now meaning I had to kind of make Aira looked dwarfed by their new soon to be look, 2) I don’t get chance to draw DK-0VD much mostly on account of it having a lot of detail work. Like, a lot a lot. I could shortcut parts in this piece due to how it’s done (they’re identical, it’s from a point of view dead on them both, and so on) but if it was a piece more dynamic (action, fighting, etc.) it’d be a loooooot longer to do than it took (which as always with DK-0VD I underestimate).
Inked pieces like this are also good to do with it because you can have fun with the detailing work without worrying too much about rendering it all, like how I think one of my best pieces in Inktober 2019, Build, went.
I’m very happy with this piece overall!