[COM-2025-01] Finalisation

Art of a fox, Aira, in a dragon robotic suit. They're standing blank faced, confident with arms behind their back as only their head is the only part of them visible as a fox, the rest covered in metal plates and panels. Their eyes aglow with the same bright blue coming from various parts of their suit as well as from the dragon who is partially cast in shadow. That dragon identical other than being complete with its head attached, lowing a replica of it's head down on to the fox to finalise their transformation in to another unit like itself.

Inked commission for Aira of a continuation of a piece I did during my art-a-day challenge in 2015 featuring my robot dragon, DK-0VD-D4M-C40000, assembling a robot suit around the blue fox:

Art of a fox, Aira, in a dragon robotic suit. That’s being constructed around them, parts and screwdrivers strewn around the area as a red dragon robot is assembling the parts on Aira. Aira has a slightly dopey, hypnotised, happy smile, not caring what the robot is doing.

Fun to revisit it in two regards, 1) DK-0VD is significantly taller now meaning I had to kind of make Aira looked dwarfed by their new soon to be look, 2) I don’t get chance to draw DK-0VD much mostly on account of it having a lot of detail work. Like, a lot a lot. I could shortcut parts in this piece due to how it’s done (they’re identical, it’s from a point of view dead on them both, and so on) but if it was a piece more dynamic (action, fighting, etc.) it’d be a loooooot longer to do than it took (which as always with DK-0VD I underestimate).

Inked pieces like this are also good to do with it because you can have fun with the detailing work without worrying too much about rendering it all, like how I think one of my best pieces in Inktober 2019, Build, went.

I’m very happy with this piece overall!

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Synth DarkOverord? Simon? Both???? Me!

A red synth (Vader-San's open species), a reptilian looking robot race, standing tall. It has blue and green heterochromatic eyes on it's screen. It's head plate is more angular than most synths, as well as two extremely prominent fangs. It has a grey underbelly with multiple plates running from head to the end of its tail. Along its back are multiple red plates with gold trims to look like hedgehog quills. There's a purple gem embedded in its chest. To the left side is a mirrored bust showing the other coloured eye as well as its open mouth and pale tongue. There's two notes pointing at that version that say "Still got heterochromatic eyes" and "ooooo what do the funny lights decreasing in count mean oooooo"

So last year I did a few doodles when I found out the 16th of February was the anniversary day Vader-san posted the fact sheets for his Synth species (1, 2, 3, 4), and officially made them an open species. I’d been meaning to design one for years but last Feb I finally I did a sketch and played with it

The basic design principles were simple: It’s based off my hedgehog, Simon, but it isn’t particularly “that shape” so I basically smashed Simon and DarkOverord (the dragon) together.

Simon points: Red colour, fangs (duh), eyes, claw colours, bite mark and tongue colour, also clearly somehow still a vampire
DO points: Zigzag horns, underbelly and leg patterns, its whompus tail, The Chest Gem 95% of the DOs Have

So I went about and then y’know, I got ill. I had it all ready to go after Regdeh’s commission hoping to do it on the Friday after I streamed that piece (which would’ve been 2025-01-24). So I decided to do it as a “Well I’m well now right?” returning stream on the 2nd and 3rd of February.

The glowy lines are a little Extra™ but I was having fun. I like how it came out!

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Also I made a hex pattern paper texture for the first time and I spent an hour doing that. Not perfect, but got the effect I wanted! This is also when I learned that SAI/SAI2’s paper textures don’t need to be squares. Could probably make it more efficient by cropping out the sides but eh, worked!

2024 Art Archives

As per last year, I’m continuing to make the Patreon art packs public after the year ends! Check out the relevant links below!

Packs over on commiss.io:

Free standard res art packs, PWYW but their base price is $0:

High res art packs:

MEGA alternate uploads for the free packs

Just in case you don’t wanna give commiss.io your email for free things :V