Yearly post time! I’ve things I guess to talk about, but click through the read more to get a closer look at each piece, my reflection on the piece (long or short) as well as my thoughts for the year, otherwise here’s the summary image:
Previous years: 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023
Decade Overview: 2010 – 2019
Like previous posts I’ll put personal thoughts and feelings under the art!
Click in to each image to find out more and view the full art but be aware that images with a 🔞 contain NSFW art under a spoiler, but my thoughts on them aren’t under that spoiler!

First Bat Shift |

On the Border of Incident – Riftmaker’s Resealing Attempt |

2024 CFz badges |

Somewhat (Extremely) Hungry🔞 |

[COM] More 2024 CFz badges |

Summer is for Toys |

Fox Sketch for ProtonJon |

A Blood Moon for a Thirsty Koopa |

Obstanaga on a Branch🔞 |

[COM-2024-10] Wing Admiration |

Picked A Bad Night to Get Lost |

It’s Christmas Oh Look Where the Mistletoe Is🔞 |
The end of the year, a time to reflect… Was 2024 better than 2023? I think so? Looking over the past post:
- “And then also oops I got that ΘΔ thing going” – Technically this happened again but also started at the end of 2023. It’s the vampire state, I’ve never felt more “me” tbh
- The also on… links – Still going, I think it was the right decision to so when I link my art elsewhere I link here not random social media that may die. I also ended up dropping posting to Furry Network as it was constantly hitting errors with Posty Birb and I’ll be blunt, if I can’t post to a place via Posty Birb it’s just flat out unlikely I’ll post art there, it’s why my Inkblot account went nowhere as I only have so much time and wasting extra for each time I post art? Too much.
- Backups – …haha I’ll get on that >_>;
- “no personal references” – failed on that one, with the fangs and the new reference for Simon in Feburary.
- “Stop doing projects that are too big” – *looks at the Vampire Koopa pic* OOPS, though I do appreciate in 2023 this was me commenting on the Summer Toys themed commissions, but, same point.
Will I learn the lessons in 2025 not to do another reference that eats my time when I’m meant to be doing Confuzzled badges? Actually yes, I do think I will. The only “outdated” reference IMO is Marcus’ and that’s purely on a “my art has improved” basis, but I think I will work on his new reference this year… just after Confuzzled! Oh btw I’m going to Confuzzled 2025 so expect more badges and I guess see you there! I’ll be unfashionably early then leave unfashionably on time. Oh god I’m not fashionable at all help.
I’m hoping that doing so, and balancing my time better, this year will stop me actually getting burnt out ‘cus I’m cramming multiple Confuzzled badges within a week of the event… two years in a row ¬.¬; It’s really evident it happened that way too because all I have to show in July is doodles. I’m going in to 2025 with a lot less on my plate so I’m hoping I can work on that as I’d like a summer where I got things done for once haha
I think that’s my big goal for 2025 really, some work on organisation, especially now I’m streaming semi-regularly. I’d like to actually have art lined up to work on stream and not just end up going “oh I’ve not streamed all week UH OH *random stream*”, and it’s art I’d like to do more than games.
It feels strange, I feel like I have less to reflect on on this post than I usually do, but I think it’s because I did a whole HEAP of retrospective reflections on my “Twenty” post where I covered 20 years of my life since making the titular “DarkOverord” typo. Ah well, here’s to 2025! An important year for me as it’s the 15th anniversary of me and my partner the lovely bun Nuggette. :3

January – First Bat Shift
Also on…

There’s something amusing about my history as an artist, and in the typical circles I’m in, that I actually don’t draw much transformation. Or more accurately I don’t draw much mid-transformation. I don’t really mind honestly, I don’t view myself directly as a transformation artist but I do however do a lot of art that effectively features “Here is state A” and “Here is state B” so it was nice to actually do a mid-TF for a change.
Actually since the whole vampire thing there’s a couple mid-TF pics of Simon getting Batty.
Original Description
So you’ve been turned by a vampire, you’ve got sick new fangs, cool eyes that you can use to put prey to sleep, you’re struggling with being very thirsty but it’s growing on you now, and started seeing others as food and/or heat sources now you don’t make it any more on the account of the whole *gestures* not living thing, your body keeps acting on instinct but it’s been mostly fine ‘cus it’s been to feed. Cool!
Then you idly thought about flying without thinking about it and oops turns out the myth about bat forms is true! You’ll work it out!
Oops the vamp train has well and truly left the station now so I guess we have a bloodthirsty hedgehog now.

February – On the Border of Incident – Riftmaker’s Resealing Attempt
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Original Description
“Excuse me!? I’m the cause of this incident!? Young Sigel, you’ve spent all day aimlessly wandering around performing the most lacklustre investigation I’ve seen you do in a while, and then you have the audacity to blame me! It’s taking a lot from me to even perform this blending of time, I’m not some being who can easily manipulate boundaries, to seal the real cause of this incident but if you’re so intent on fighting me then very well…
Show me, o foolish Guardian of the Order who skirts responsibility, your actual resolve so I may send you to that who you truly should be fighting!”
I figured for a year of the dragon (Wood Dragon, 2024) I should actually do art with DarkOverord, in fact other than the reference, this is the first rendered piece with the original DarkOverord since 2021!
I so rarely actually do art of DO actually using its abilities, especially in more rendered pieces like this, that I wanted actually do that for once. So here DarkOverord is, clearly initiating some kind of attack after splitting time in this area in two. The rift above them is a coincidence, DO blundered that in to existence either in the future or past (it’s paradoxical like that) and can’t reseal it.

March – 2024 CFz badges
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Nope! Didn’t get posted
I really need to get better at actually having a permanent post of my own personal con badges…
I decided to have fun with the underwater theme, first with the fact that Simon’s fucking DEAD but also silly sub shenanigans with toy DO. The background has silly things like a Red Dwarf reference.

April – Somewhat (Extremely) Hungry🔞
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“Actually since the whole vampire thing there’s a couple mid-TF pics of Simon getting Batty.” Here it is, a Mid-TF pic. The “Adult” version is just “oh that’s a lot of blood”
This was a lot of playing with the colours and shading really, it was fun to do!
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Someone (you) picked a bad night to be out! Someone else (me) is somewhat hungry!
Pay no attention to the lack of words from the overly instinct driven hedge… bat… hog. Maybe you should run? If you can!

May – [COM] More 2024 CFz badges
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I openly admit I don’t have much to say here ‘cus it was deep in The Badge Work, but here’s the one I used as the thumbnail here

July – Fox Sketch for ProtonJon
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ProtonBooru I guess?
ProtonJon’s been boosting a lot of daily foxes on BlueSky, that’s it, that’s the whole post. July wasn’t a good month art wise, not much got done.

August – A Blood Moon for a Thirsty Koopa
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“DO, wasn’t this posted in October?” yes because it took too long but the intention was a Bowser Day post. I got it completed in late August, too late for Bowser Day really but also extremely early for October, ho-hum
I do genuinely like how this piece came out but boy was it A Lot haha.
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So this was originally meant to be for Bowser Day but uh, I let scope run a bit too much
So now it’s an early Halloween pic ‘cus I can just say that because I’m the artist and I say so. We’ve had me as a (royal?) koopa before but that was a lot more hedgehog like, and also when the fangs were significantly shorter. So I wanted to do something a bit more batty and vampire-like oh noooooo
I really have a bad habit of letting scope creep happen in personal projects lol.

September – Obstanaga on a Branch🔞
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Honestly I felt bad about not having done a pic with my Obstagoon in quite a long time so I did this. Other reason was I thought it’d be fun to do something coily too
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What will it do?
Originally intended to be a snektember piece but I got waylaid this month before finally pulling out the extreme option. Force myself to stream it. Both on Twitch and Picarto, though if it’s on Picarto it’s probably gonna be NSFW. I think I will try to stream more honestly! I’m enjoying it! We’ll see if I become an insufferable gamer™ (I won’t)
As I’m not an affiliate or partner that VoD is gonna disappear off Twitch soon but I’ve already exported it to my YT account here.
Anyway guess this is ready for Obstatober? Nagavember?

🔞 Full Image and Description 🔞

October – [COM-2024-10] Wing Admiration
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One of two impromptu commissions I did for Kay this year, they wanted to design out a coyote-bat hybrid and I had been doing a chunk of stuff with bats at the time and I was happy to!
Sometimes y’gotta admire your wings, especially when you’re a shiny batyote!
Commission for Kay Ohtie! I had a lot of fun with this <3
This was also streamed over on Twitch! Check out VoD 1 and 2!

December – It’s Christmas Oh Look Where the Mistletoe Is
Also on…

Do you ever get a silly idea and know that you have to run with it? That’s this image, it’s entirely based on being silly (but you should let my fangs sink in to your neck though)
Nothing more complex, just a silly Christmas image.
Original Description
You should let my fangs kiss your neck!
Merry holidays, I’ve got fangs still. Maybe with a little, encouragement?
Fun character fact: Simon’s birthday has always been Christmas Day, or if I eventually decide if in OC canon that isn’t applicable it’ll be the Winter Solstice. Simon, and its twin, do have a smidge of resentment for effectively having the “forgotten family birthday”. Maybe since turning Simon doesn’t care, or can make people properly say happy birthday.
(Anyway my birthday is in summer just to clarify that XD)
🔞 Full Image and Description 🔞