Obstanaga on a Branch

A goopy rubber Obstagoon/Naga hybrid with four arms bundled up on a thick tree branch. Its coils wrapped around the branch. It has a mischievous smirk as it looks at the viewer, resting its head on it's top hands. Various parts of its body are dripping, with other parts in contact merging slightly.

What will it do?

Originally intended to be a snektember piece but I got waylaid this month before finally pulling out the extreme option. Force myself to stream it. Both on Twitch and Picarto, though if it’s on Picarto it’s probably gonna be NSFW. I think I will try to stream more honestly! I’m enjoying it! We’ll see if I become an insufferable gamer™ (I won’t)

As I’m not an affiliate or partner that VoD is gonna disappear off Twitch soon but I’ve already exported it to my YT account here.

Anyway guess this is ready for Obstatober? Nagavember?

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🔞 Full Image and Description 🔞

A goopy rubber Obstagoon/Naga hybrid with four arms bundled up on a thick tree branch. Its coils wrapped around the branch. It has a mischievous grin as it looks at the viewer, resting its head on it's top hands as its tongue lolls out of its mouth in the typical Obstagoon fashion. Various parts of its body are dripping, with other parts in contact merging slightly. The goopy coils not obscuring a pair of purple cocks.

Uh-oh! The SFW piece but now with more dicks, guess that’s what it’ll do. And why I finished it on Picarto :B

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