I’ve had some time to recuperate myself, though I’m still super tired, and gather some thoughts up! The summary is: I had a good time.
The panels I went to were pretty alright, though I do have a chunk of criticism for the guy who ran the Pokémon Trivia quiz (Make sure your powerpoint and video works on multiple machines and OSes my dude. And black on black is a big no-no. Also Smogon isn’t the only competitive ruleset, might want to clarify that first…). Jym’s show as a hoot though, in the “I am completely bewildered how this is still going, Jym, JYM. MAG!” way.
I also finally got to scratch that Tabletop RPG itch by playing Nidonocu‘s starter game of his own homebrewed game “Indigo Surf”… except now I want to play more 😐
It was a fun first time even if I couldn’t really play up the whole synthetic otter much due to a very very vocal doctor. But hey, at least me and Graafen got the rest of the gang unwittingly in Red Dwarf outfits on their character details. Nido if you end up reading this, good work really <3 It was worth staying up until 2AM for haha.

I also had a lot of fun running around with other peeps in Pokémon Go! Sure I was outnumbered in terms of teams (as usual, zappy bird team has the least love) but hey, I finally got myself a Latios and Ho-oh!
The Dealers Den this year was pretty busy as usual, and also as usual I had no idea what I wanted out of it. Though I did grab a mystery box from SkaiFox, these cool lanyards off Farku and a pin off Catteboots! One day I might know what I want in advance…
I also got a bit of art done which was great. Granted I wasn’t full on art all the time, but I certainly did more than last year. I 100% regret forgetting my tablet pen though ._.; Also a chunk of compliments on my art (and my badge) as well as well pushing me to open commissions again (Soon! I just want to get my last two items done first!). I’ve been posting that over on my art only twitter mostly so you can look over them there, however I do like how this one came out which coincidentally was the last thing I did at the con haha.
I think if I’m going next year (funds pending ;P) I’ll actually try and get a dealers den table. If I’m not in full time employment (other than self employment) by then I’m sure I can work out some merch to sell there… if not, I’ll just fill up a table with my business cards :B I got some encouragement by a few pals when I said I might so at worst I’ll just not make back the amount I’d be paying for a table 😛 The only problem with getting a table is any day events are pretty much written out…
…I mean I didn’t go to many in the day anyway so that’s probably fine.
Confuzzled 2018 is actually the 5th or so time I’ve been now, three years in a row certainly, and there was a lot of small details that I have to applaud the con staff for. Facilitating gender neutral toilets for one, and a clear attempt with at least con matters to ensure they are wheelchair accessible.
If anything, the main issue I saw wheelchair users have was caused by the hotel lobby/bar layout (something the con couldn’t really control) as I saw a few wheelchair users struggle around an already crowded seating area to try and get to the bar itself. I mean, I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard for the hotel to have a better ramp section instead of making an obstacle course for anyone with any form of walking impairment.
Here’s a rough sketch from memory but you had to fight through seating to get through (ramps in blue)… But again, that’s more on the hotel than the con.
It’s… not the best really.